
Sunday, 13 January 2013

Fabulous 50!

Happy Sunday to you all,

First of all, I would like to say a big 'Thank You' to my new followers and to those who have been brave enough to try the Polkadoodles Blog Hop (see the post below if you haven't entered already).

It's been a very busy weekend here, which is quite unusual as I don't normally go far at the weekend! We were out celebrating one of my best friend's 50th birthday last night and have been out for lunch today to celebrate my Dad's birthday! Back on the diet tomorrow then, lol.

I thought I would show you the card I made for my friend - I have known here since we were both 16 years old (yes, those of you who can do the maths - that means it's my turn too for the big 50 this year!!!) Aaarrgh!  Here's what I made ...

It's a little different from my usual cutsie style, but I came across this fantastic style of writing/drawing while researching 'Zentangle' patterns.  I have hand-drawn the number '50' using a fine black micron pen and a couple of coloured pencils, after watching a tutorial by 'Joanne Fink' - I absolutely love the style and it's so easy to do.  You can find more information about Joanne's Zenspirational style HERE.

I have some more 'Zenspirational style' work to show you on another day too - it's very addictive!

Enjoy what's left of the weekend,
Hugz, Jan xx


Your comments are always very much appreciated, so thank you for taking the time to write one xx