
Saturday 1 February 2014

Fantasy Stampers - Challenge 3

Happy Saturday everyone,

Well, I am delighted with the response to my new challenge blog


We had 57 entries for the second challenge, which was almost double the first one. So, a mahoosive 'Thank You' from me for the support and words of encouragement.  Again we had some stunning entries - why not pop over and check out our Top 3!

So, onto our third challenge -  one for all you romantics out there

We would love to see your projects showcasing something romantic - will it be hearts and flowers for Valentines Day, or a wedding/engagement - the choice is yours. But remember, you MUST include some stamping on your project.

 Here's what I decided on for my DT inspiration ...

I made a 6x6" card using design papers from the LOTV 'Always and Forever' paper pad. The image is also LOTV - 'Meant to Be' which I thought was just perfect for this theme - don't they look so cute! I stamped in Sepia ink this time for a more muted look and coloured with my Promarkers. Added embellishments include a die-cut butterfly border, pink polkadot ribbon, flowers and a few die-cut leaves. The wording was made on my pc and tucked behind the main image.

I also decorated a little wooden heart with matching design papers and added a gorgeous stamped Rose (which was a freebie on a recent Craft Stamper magazine). I stamped it three times and coloured it with my Promarkers, before layering it onto my project. The lettering is stamped with my Clarity Letterbox stamps.

If you have the time, why not pop over to the challenge HERE and check out the gorgeous creations from my teamies.

I hope you can join us for our third challenge - I shall look forward to visiting your blogs over the next couple of weeks. I wonder how many entries will we get this time??

Hugz, Jan xx


  1. Sooooo sweet!! Lovely image, lovely papers, great dewsign.

  2. WOW hun this is gorgeous I love the beautiful image and gorgeous papers and layout.

    Linda xxx

  3. Love the LOTV stamp Jan and a great layout too. x :)

  4. Oh my wow this is stunning xxx

  5. Beautiful hun. Great colours too. Hugs, Dorothy

  6. Lovely Love the colours and the stamp ,Beautiful card xx

  7. O what a gorgeous card love the soft cols the heart is sweet xxx

  8. Hi Jan, this is yet another beautiful card and those papers are so pretty.
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  9. So sweet lovely image & papers xxx


Your comments are always very much appreciated, so thank you for taking the time to write one xx