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Monday 14 March 2016

A Sad Time

Hello there,

Well, I haven't visited blogland for a little while and I'm visiting today with a very heavy heart.

As those of you who read my blog will know, my mum has been ill for a few months now (in and out of hospital), but we managed to get her home on the 11th January.

She hasn't been well since then, and took a serious turn for the worse on Mother's Day, and sadly passed away early on Tuesday 8th March.

I feel as if my life has been turned upside down since then - she has left a massive gaping hole in our lives, and I never realised just how much there would be to do.

I am hoping my crafting will be a way of getting me through this, but at the moment I simply haven't had the time. So, I thought I would show you one of the poems we plan to read at mum's funeral next week.

I will be back soon, I promise - but for now we all need to heal.

Hugz, Jan xx


  1. So sorry Jan. Big hugs
    Jane xxx

  2. So sorry to read this Jan, sending hugs and what a beautiful poem.
    Tammy x

  3. Dear Jan I am so sorry for your loss. The poem is amazing thank you for sharing it with us. Take all the time you need, you will know when the time is right to take things up again. If there is anything I can do just let me know. Thinking of you. Hugs Jackie

  4. Dear Jan
    Thinking of you.

  5. So very sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers from across the pond.

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss - always difficult. Hugs, Karon.


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